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Student Manual


    CALCampus is a private, international online distance learning school, located in the U.S., which offers college credit and high school courses solely through the Internet. Enrollment is open to all individual, mature learners anywhere in the world who have access to the Internet. CALCampus was founded in 1982 and has been teaching courses exclusively online since 1986. The complete CALCampus catalog is available to the public on the World Wide Web at

    Courses are offered in mathematics, science, business, social science, English, TESOL, computer applications and technology, general studies, legal studies, and foreign languages. English (ESL) courses are offered for non-native speakers. Many students use our courses towards degree programs in health-related fields.

    CALCampus serves primarily postsecondary level learners with its college credit courses. We offer a range of high school credit courses to homeschool and high school students, as well as to adult learners. Students use our courses for many different purposes according to their own needs.


    Our mission is to provide affordable, quality distance instruction by experienced educators in a variety of subjects to individual learners throughout the world, using computers and the Internet. We serve postsecondary and secondary level students by providing courses for various curriculum and individual needs, including prerequisites and transfer credit for other educational institutions, home schooling, job requirements, and other purposes. We are non-degree granting, by design.


    Within our mission, our purpose includes the following:
    • to provide affordable, quality distance instruction by experienced educators in a variety of subjects to individual learners throughout the world, using computers and the Internet.
    • to encourage the pursuit of learning in individuals
    • to promote, through example, the recognition of online distance learning as a valuable instructional means
    • to assist postsecondary and secondary level students from other educational institutions and homeschools by providing instruction to supplement local curriculum needs
    • to assist adult learners by providing instruction needed to advance in their field of work, including certificate programs
    • to grow, as an institution, and modify as needed, to suit the needs of the global learning community


    CALCampus fulfills its mission and purpose by providing courses that are designed and taught by instructors who are qualified educators and professionals in their fields. Our students receive individualized attention from their instructors. Instructional materials and interactive learning tools, such as forums, quizzes, and instructors' offices, are provided through our online Course Management System (CMS). Materials come in various forms, including teacher-written text lessons, Web resources, and traditional hardcopy textbooks. Lessons may include references to other instructional Web sites, and we encourage the use of the Internet as a learning and research resource. Every course has a detailed syllabus with clearly specified objectives, required materials, and assignments, which is provided for each student by the instructor upon enrollment. Students are required to do homework assignments, quizzes, exams, and other educational projects which are submitted to their instructors through the CMS for evaluation. Instructors and students have the option for meetings on our online campus. CALCampus courses are designed for completion within 12 weeks. Our rolling admissions policy allows students to register for and begin their courses at any time. CALCampus services (libraries, administrative communications, conference rooms, forumes, Web site, Web applications, etc.) are provided through dedicated Web and Application servers, which are accessible via the Internet at


    CALCampus believes that there should be no barriers to education. Educational opportunities should be made available to all who wish to learn, regardless of past experiences in formal educational settings. We provide ways to include learners, keep doors open, and reopen doors that may have closed in the past.


    CALCampus began as the Computer Assisted Learning Center
    (CALC), which was founded in 1982 in Rindge, New Hampshire, as a small, offline computer-based, adult learning center. The center was based on the vision of providing affordable, quality instruction to individual learners through the use of computers. In those early years, CALC also compiled and distributed public domain educational software and published articles dealing with the use of computers in education.

    CALC's vision broadened over the years as the online world opened and we were able to serve students from diverse geographic locations through the use of computers and the Internet. In early 1986, CALC became a totally online school through its Tutoring Center on the QuatumLink network, and followed with structured courses in 1986. From 1986 through 1995, CALC Online Campus, as it was known, opened its online school on several major telecommunications networks, including PC-Link, AppleLink, AOL, Delphi, GEnie, and CompuServe. In early 1995, CALC Online Campus made its online school available through the Internet as and after receiving regional accreditation, the domain changed to Since 1986, CALCampus has been in continual operation as an online school and we have been pleased to see the increasing adoption of online education by the mainstream educational community over the decades.

    CALCampus's top priority is to serve the needs of students and to assist its instructors in fulfilling its mission and purpose.


    The CALCampus Faculty are veterans in online distance teaching and are practicing educators and professionals in their fields. Some have been teaching with us online since the 1980s. All teachers have a Master's degree; many have Doctorates. CALCampus is administered by a Director who has extensive experience and academic credentials in the field of online distance learning and educational administration. The Director and Faculty regularly consult on curriculum matters, make improvements to existing courses, and develop new courses to fulfill the needs of our student body. CALCampus has a School Committee, comprised of the Director, a senior Faculty member, and a school Attorney, which communicates on matters of importance to the school's curriculum, operation, financial matters, and student body needs. We all have one shared goal: to provide quality instruction to our students.


    The CALCampus Director and Faculty welcome questions from current and prospective students. Communication is done via e-mail and telephone with students to answer such questions. Questions specific to one's own college or organization should be addressed to your own college advisor.


    Courses are conducted in the English language. Students must have fulfilled all pre-requisites for courses, as posted in the course descriptions. For certain higher level courses, we request a copy of your transcript to document fulfillment of pre-requisites. Students enrolling in college courses are required to have a high school diploma.

    CALCampus welcomes students from all countries. Students whose first language is not English should have at least an intermediate level of reading and writing skills in the English language in order to successfully participate. In some cases, before enrollment into individual courses, a basic English test might be required to determine if English language skills are sufficient for participation.

    To inquire, e-mail the Registrar's Office at registrar @


    CALCampus administration has the right to cancel any student's enrollment with a pro rata tuition refund (excepting Copyright Infringement - see policy below) at any time, if the student demonstrates an inability, either technically or academically or ethically, to successfully participate in a course or program. Administrative removal is also the result of blatant disregard for adhering to school policy and for pressuring an instructor or staff member to break school policy. We enforce school policies and will not be pressured into breaking policy.


    All CALCampus materials, including, but not limited to, all course materials and documents posted on our CMS and web site, are copyrighted and owned by CALCampus. Copyrighted materials are legally protected from unauthorized distribution by anyone or any entity who does not own the copyright. A current or former CALCampus student who has provided any of our materials to a third party (such as Course Hero, CampusBuddy, Fratfolder, and/or any other online location) is liable for penalties for copyright infringement. A current student who is found to be involved, in any way, in copyright infringement of CALCampus materials will be immediately expelled from CALCampus, without a refund, and any transcripts from prior courses will be withheld until the copyrighted materials have been totally removed from the Internet by the student. A prior student who is found to be involved, in any way, in copyright infringement of CALCampus materials will have any transcripts from prior courses withheld until the copyrighted materials have been totally removed from the Internet by the student. Current and former students who are involved in copyright infringement of CALCampus materials will not be allowed to enroll in any CALCampus courses in the future.


    CALCampus has two divisions: 1. Postsecondary (College: non-degree granting); and 2. High School. They share faculty and administration.

    The CALCampus Postsecondary Division is licensed and approved by the State of New Hampshire Higher Education Commission, Career School Licensing RSA 188-G:1-10, as a private non-degree granting distance learning school. The Commission's mission is to provide access to higher education and to ensure educational quality.

    CALCampus is registered with the State of New Hampshire Department of State as an Internet-based international online learning center.

    CALCampus Postsecondary and High School Divisions are regionally accredited until June 30, 2024 by the following: Northwest Accreditation Commission (NWAC), North Central Association Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement (NCA CASI), Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement (SACS CASI).


    CALCampus is totally Internet-based and has been carefully designed to take effective advantage of the online tools that are available. Each student has access to our Course Management System, which holds a dedicated area for each course for submitting assignments, receiving comments, downloading supplemental materials, communicating through course forums, and interacting through online offices/classrooms.


    Under our Honor Code, each student is required to do his/her own work in all homework assignments, projects, and other required evaluative assessments. Answers to questions are to be written in your own words and/or showing your steps in doing calculations so that instructors can determine that you indeed understand the information you are studying. Copying verbatim from any instructional source or from others (unless specifically requested by the parameters of the assignment and with appropriate citation of sources used) is not acceptable and is grounds for administrative removal from course enrollment with no refund. At the time of registration, each student acknowledges that she/he has read and will comply with the CALCampus Honor Code. Our system relies on the high moral standard of our students. As a CALCampus student, you are committed to complying with the Honor Code.

    CALCampus Penalty for Plagiarism

    If you are found to be plagiarizing on an assignment, test, research paper, or any other submission for your course, you will receive a zero on the assignment and will be warned against doing this again. A second occurrence of plagiarism will result in administrative dismissal from the course without a refund, a failure, and no transcript. Students who have plagiarized are not eligible for enrollment in any future CALCampus courses.

    CALCampus faculty are committed to helping you prevent this from happening, so please seek help, if needed.


    Midterm and Final Exams are required to be proctored. Some instructors also require additional exams to be proctored. Students do their exams at their home location with a local proctor. Upon course enrollment, the student is provided with the Proctor Registration Form, which has instructions. The form is to be filled out and signed by both the student and proctor, and it is to be returned to the CALCampus Proctor Contact Office for review and approval. New or revised policies regarding proctoring are applicable to all students.

    A proctor should be someone who is totally objective in carrying out the testing duties. Please do not submit the name of a relative, close friend, employer, employee, or a tutor/teacher/student or someone who works in any capacity in the same overall subject area as the exam being taken or who has an academic background in the subject field. Acceptable proctors may include a librarian, a teacher (in a different subject field from the exam), minister, school principal, school superintendent, an education services officer for the military, or a business person who has no working relationship with the student.

    The proctor must have an e-mail address for receiving the exam from the instructor; must be able to print the exam for the student; and must have the ability to fax completed exams to the CALCampus Proctor Contact Office.


    Refer to the Current Course List for offerings. The Course List provides you with Course Title, Number, Cost, as well as links to descriptions for each CALCampus course.


    CALCampus offers courses in the following academic departments.  Each department has its unique 
    abbreviation as noted below in capital letters.
     BU  Business
     EN  English 
     HUM Humanities
     MTH Mathematics
     SH  Science and Health
     SST Social Sciences
     CSE Computer Science
    Each course is placed within one of these departments and is given 
    a specific Course Title and Number with which we identify the course.  
    Section Number:   EN300
                       |  |
                       |  Specific Number for course
              Identifies English 

    The CALCampus Course Catalog and Course List identify every course with both its Course Title and Number. Students need to remember this information as it is needed for course registration and also when submitting homework files.


    Courses are taught by a CALCampus subject-specific instructor. All instruction and communication with the instructor is done through the Internet. Materials for some courses are provided online for the student to download; most courses require a textbook that the student buys. Students use the Online Campus to submit homework to the instructor, receive feedback from the instructor, and ask questions. As needed, the instructor will provide supplemental instruction either through the Online Campus forums and message system, or by scheduling a private one-on-one office hour online on CALCampus. On CALCampus, we have teleconference rooms available for real-time meetings.

    In the past, CALC used primarily real-time group online instruction. As the international student body grew, we gradually phased out the real-time group courses.


    Do not submit homework in batches. They will not be accepted for grading. Instructors are required to enforce this policy, and there may be a point deduction in grading for batch submissions. Our instructional method is based on the student submitting one assignment per week with the instructor sending comments, grade, and supplemental instruction, as needed, before the student submits the next assignment. Teachers will reply with comments on each assignment. We have carefully selected qualified faculty who can comment on your work and provide individualized instruction as needed in your specific course.


    Please include your name, e-mail address, and assignment title inside the homework file so that the teacher can easily recognize what the file is and who it is from.

    Do not assume that an assignment has arrived when you submit it to the CMS. If you do not get an acknowledgement of receipt from a teacher within 48 hours, assume that your communication did not arrive and contact your instructor to see if he/she received the submission through the CMS. If no reply is received, contact the Director for assistance. Students should be in weekly contact with their teachers unless an alternate study schedule has been approved at the start of the course.


    Any of the CALCampus courses may be taken by individual learners who want to take a course for their own purposes. Many students take just one or two courses to suit their needs; others take more. We advise against taking more than three courses at one time.


    CALCampus courses that are numbered in the 200s fall within the standard high school curriculum. High school courses are open to adult students and to students who are currently in high school or homeschool.

    The majority of our high school courses are designed to cover the content of a full year, unless otherwise noted in the course description. We do not specify credit amounts on our high school transcripts for individual students taking courses for other schools; instead, we note if it was full-year content or half-year content.

    Time on task for a full year high school course equates to a one semester, 3-credit college course, which is approximately 135 hours; 68 hours for a half-year high school course. These guidelines follow the Carnegie system of determing credits for distance learning courses, as outlined below: Clock Hours/Time On Task. There is no standard among high schools throughout the US and each state varies. In all cases, the student is advised to check with the receiving institution to ask about credit acceptance.


    CALCampus's college courses are numbered in the 300s on our Course List.

    In all cases, the college student is advised to check with the receiving institution to ask about credit acceptance. The final decision to award credit is always made by the receiving institution which sets its own guidelines and requirements. As a guideline, CALCampus college level courses are usually equivalent to 3 semester credits, unless otherwise noted in the course description. The course descriptions list any prerequisites. Prerequisites must be met with a grade of at least C.


    Distance learning courses do not count classroom hours since there are no required physical classroom sessions. Instead, time on task is used to estimate clock hours. Determining the total time on task for a course is done by calculating how much time an average student would take to complete all required work for a course. This includes reading course lectures/presentations; reading other materials; participation in online discussions both realtime and message board/e-mail; doing research; writing homework papers; and completing all other assignments, such as research papers, projects, and exams. One should be able to measure any course, regardless of delivery method, by the description of the content covered. Using the Carnegie guideline, one college semester credit equals 45 hours.

    CALCampus postsecondary courses are designed to cover the content of a standard 3-semester credit college course, offered over a 12-week period. This would average from 8-11 hours of study per week, depending on individual learning ability, rate of individual learning, study environment, and prior knowledge of the subject matter (a full-year content high school course equates to a 3-credit college course). Four-credit courses over a 12-week period would average 15 hours per week. Since certain tasks require more time than others, the weekly average will vary.


    The Individual Course Registration Form is located online at Admissions. Fill in the form online. Within 24-48 hours after we receive your course registration form, the Registrar will e-mail with acknowledgment of receipt. Usually within 1-3 business days from receipt of your registration, you will receive an e-mailed official Confirmation Letter from the Registrar, which welcomes you into CALCampus, provides your instructor's name and e-mail address, and gives you instructions for creating your student account on CALCampus. Soon after you receive your Confirmation Letter, you will be contacted through e-mail by your instructor with startup information for your course(s).


    All verifications of enrollment in a course(s) or progress reports in a course(s) MUST COME FROM CALCAMPUS REGISTRAR's OFFICE (not from an instructor). We never e-mail grades.

    Enrollment verifications include dates of active enrollment in a course and are only provided after a student has completed at least two weeks of graded work. On the other hand, a progress report states how much graded work a student has done, provides a pass/fail designation, and is only provided after a student has completed at least two weeks of graded work.

    These reports must originate from Registrar @ and are not considered official grade reports. Official grade reports only come in the form of hardcopy official transcripts, after a student has successfully completed a course.


    If a student has a documented disability, the student must inform the school of this at the time of registration (in the Comments section of the Course Registration Form) and submit a copy of the documented disability before enrollment. On the Course Registration form, identify the disability and how it affects your ability to study and take exams. Let us know if you are requesting anything in particular from us. Within reason and within the parameters of our model of education, school policy, and instructor approval, we will try to accommodate you. This must be discussed and approved by the Registrar and instructor prior to enrollment. Not all requests are approved.


    We accept pre-requisite credit from another accredited institution with at least a grade of "C".


    CALCampus Tuition Refund Policy

    The following applies:

    A student may cancel his/her course or program registration for a full refund any time prior to midnight of the third business day after the date the registration was submitted. There is a $25 drop fee. Pro rata refunds are based on a 12-week course period, starting from date of course confirmation from the Registrar, regardless of how much work the student may or may not have done.

    Individual Courses

    If a student fails to enter a course, prepaid tuition, fees and other course charges, minus the Student Admission fee and $25 drop fee, shall be returned to the student upon written request of the student within 7 calendar days from date of initial course confirmation. After 7 calendar days but prior to half the course duration, students may be eligible for a pro rata refund. After 6 weeks from date of course confirmation, there is no refund.


    (a) A student who withdraws or is dismissed after three business days have passed, but before completing 50% of the potential units of instruction in the current time period, shall be entitled to a pro rata refund, as calculated below, less any amounts owed by the student for the current time period, less a one-time application fee not exceeding $500 or 20% of the program tuition, whichever is less. Current time period is based on a 12-week period.

    (b) Pro rata refund shall be the ratio of the number of units remaining after the last unit completed by the student to the total number of units in the time period, rounded downward to the nearest 10 percent. Pro rata refund is the resulting percent applied to the total tuition and other required costs paid by the student for the current time period.

    (c) All efforts shall be made to refund prepaid amounts for books, supplies and other charges unless the student has consumed or used those items and they can no longer be used or sold to new students, or returned by the school to the supplier.

    (d) No refund shall be required for any student who withdraws or is dismissed after completing 50% of the potential units of instruction in the current time period unless a student withdraws due to mitigating circumstances, in which case refunds shall be calculated based on the pro rata method described in (a).

    (e) The 50 percent completion limitation does not apply in cases where the student cannot complete the program due to action taken by the school. Examples of school?s action shall include school closing or bankruptcy, or cancellation of the program. In these and similar situations, refunds and fees shall be based on the pro rata method described in (a) for up to 100 percent of the tuition paid.

    A cancellation/drop request is to be sent to the Registrar in writing and may be submitted by e-mail, fax, or surface mail (postal date is considered date of request).

    CALCampus adheres to refund policies recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the New Hampshire Postsecondary Education Commission. All refunds shall be paid within 30 days upon written notification from a student of cancellation or withdrawal; and students receiving benefits from federal programs shall be subject to federal refund policies, rules and regulations.


    Within 7 days of the confirmation date of a course, a student may transfer into a different course - there is a $25 course transfer fee, plus or minus any price difference on the course registration fee. Course transfer requests are made by e-mailing the Registrar (date e-mail was sent is considered date of request) or through surface mail (PO date on envelope is considered date of request). After 7 days from the confirmation date, there is no transfer. The student will instead drop the first course and register for the new course.


    Assignment of instructors is the sole purview of the school administration. We do not change instructors based on student favoritism. Within two weeks of date of course confirmation (regardless of how much work has been done), a student may request transfer to another instructor, if there is a serious cause to request such a change. The request must be made in writing to the Registrar and must be approved by the school administration. Not all requests are approved. If approved, grades from the prior instructor are transferred over to the new instructor. After two weeks from the date of course confirmation, eligibility to request a change of instructor ends.


    A grievance is defined as dissatisfaction occurring when a student believes that a decision, act, or condition affecting him or her is illegal, unjust, or creates unnecessary hardship. Such grievances may concern academic problems (excluding grades and plagiarism, except when there is an allegation of illegal discrimination); mistreatment by a school employee; wrongful assessment of fees; records errors; and discrimination based on race, national origin, sex, marital status, religion, age, or disability. Plagiarism falls under a separate policy. It is our intention to encourage and facilitate resolution of a serious grievance which a student may have with a faculty member, administrator or member of the staff in a timely manner with fairness and equity. A grievance must be filed within five business days of the occurrence so that it can be expeditiously addressed.

    A. A student who believes she or he has a legitimate grievance should promptly contact through e-mail the person immediately involved (i.e. faculty member, administrator, member of staff). The procedure is concluded if a mutually acceptable solution is reached. Each person will retain a copy of the dated e-mail resolution for reference.

    B. If the grievance is not mutually resolved through A, the student may pursue the matter through consultation with the Director of CALCampus: 1. Within seven days of the e-mail contact in A, the student should e-mail a written statement to the Director clearly indicating the nature of the complaint; the status to date; and the student's suggestion for resolution. 2. Within seven days after receipt of the written statement, the Director will contact each party separately; and then propose a written resolution to the grievance based on school policy. The proposed resolution will be delivered to both parties via e-mail within seven days for their approval. Each party will acknowledge and approve of the proposed resolution within three days via e-mail. Copies will be retained the offices of Registrar and Director.

    C. If the grievance is not mutually resolved through A or B, the student may pursue the matter through Committee: 1. Within seven days of the e-mail contact with the Director in B-1, the student should surface mail a written statement to the Compliance Committee at CALCampus. The statement must clearly indicate in writing: a) the nature of the complaint; b) the steps already taken; and c) the student's suggestion for resolution. 2. Within seven days after receipt of the written statement, the Committee will investigate the complaint and meet to resolve the grievance. The School Attorney, being a member of the Committee, will assure that any Committee resolution is based on the application of school policy and law. A written dated summary with Committee resolution will be surface mailed to each party within seven days of meeting. Each party will acknowledge receipt of the Committee's resolution within three days via e-mail acknowledgement. The final decision will be kept on file in the offices of the Registrar, Director, and School Attorney.

    Every student is entitled to pursue, AFTER completion of the school's internal grievance process, a grievance with the New Hampshire Office of the Career School Licensing (603-271-6443), provided the complaint is within the scope of the Office's responsibilities as defined in New Hampshire Code of Administrative Rules, Chapter Hedc 300. This does not apply to academic grades. The determinations of academic grades are within the exclusive purview of the educational institution, CALCampus, and are not altered by the Department of Education.

    See Grades and Transcripts for information about course grade questions.


    All students are given a CALCampus account for access to our Online Campus. We will e-mail you your login details after you register for a course.


    When you register for a course, you are asked to provide us with your Internet e-mail address. This is very important. We need this so that we can communicate with you. If you change your Internet e-mail address after you have registered, we have no way of knowing how to contact you. You must tell us if you will be changing your Internet e-mail address. As soon as you know your new Internet e-mail address, contact the Director and your CALCampus instructor with the new information. Only one e-mail address per student is allowed.


    Please e-mail the Registrar if your mailing address changes. We need this information for when we surface mail your official academic record.


    1) Most courses use a hardcopy textbook that the student buys. Each course description specifies if a textbook is needed, and those are available for ordering through the Bookstore in our Online Campus. CALCampus uses course textbooks that are published by nationally-recognized, educational publishers, following national standards.
    2) Some courses also provide PowerPoints, online videos, and/or teacher-written lessons.
    3) Each course has a syllabus which is provided for the student at the beginning of the course.


    All CALCampus materials, including, but not limited to, all course materials and documents posted on our CMS and web site, are copyrighted and owned by CALCampus. Copyrighted materials are legally protected from unauthorized distribution by anyone or any entity who does not own the copyright. A current or former CALCampus student who has provided any of our materials to a third party (such as Course Hero, CampusBuddy, Fratfolder, and/or any other online location) is liable for penalties for copyright infringement. A current student who is found to be involved, in any way, in copyright infringement of CALCampus materials will be immediately expelled from CALCampus, without a refund, and any transcripts from prior courses will be withheld until the copyrighted materials have been totally removed from the Internet by the student. A prior student who is found to be involved, in any way, in copyright infringement of CALCampus materials will have any transcripts from prior courses withheld until the copyrighted materials have been totally removed from the Internet by the student. Current and former students who are involved in copyright infringement of CALCampus materials will not be allowed to enroll in any CALCampus courses in the future.


    All CALCampus courses are graded. At the end of the course, students who have completed all of the coursework and who have academically passed the course with at least an overall course average of 70% are awarded a hardcopy official transcript of course completion from CALCampus with their grade on it, which is mailed by surface mail. We never e-mail transcripts.

    Allow 15 business days for processing your final course grade and official transcript.

    The first transcript is free and is sent directly to the student unless otherwise requested by the student. For subsequent transcripts, there is a fee.

    CALCampus grading scale:

    A 94-100
    A- 90-93.9
    B+ 87-89.9
    B 84-86.9
    B- 80-83.9
    C+ 77-79.9
    C 74-76.9
    C- 70-73.9
    ...below 70% is not passing

    If a student earns less than 65% on a Final Exam, his/her course grade cannot be higher than a C. We do not round up grades. CALCampus maintains permanent academic records for every student.

    Final Course Grades and Exit Procedure

    Course grades are reported to the administration by the instructor within five days of the student's final exam date, and the instructor e-mails the student with the course grade at that time. This is the official course completion date. Students are removed from the course CMS area within five days of the final course grade notification and are no longer enrolled in the course.

    If a student has a question about a final course grade calculation, that is to be addressed in writing to the Instructor with copy to Registrar by the student within five days from the date of final course grade notification by the Instructor. By notifying the Registrar, that signals us to immediately put a hold on processing the official transcript. Within those five days, the situation must be resolved between the Instructor and the Student. Our policy is designed so that this is revolved speedily and before we mail an official transcript.


    If the student's overall course grade is below 70%, that constitutes a failure and no transcript is issued.


    Students may request to retake a course, if their course grade on the first course was below 74% (C). In such cases, a different instructor is assigned and the exams are proctored. Upon successful completion of the repeated course, both course grades appear on the transcript. The first course grade is shown, but the course has no credit. The second course shows "repeated", the grade, and is awarded the number of credits for the course. Students pay again for the course.

    If a student has not completed a prior course enrollment, the student is only allowed to re-enroll in the same course one more time, regardless of the reason for not completing the prior enrollment.


    Class attendance is measured through the Course Management System (CMS). CALCampus provides individualized instruction through distance learning, using the online medium for communication. There are no required group classes. Students study offline, and use the CMS for communication with the instructor and for submitting course work. Each instructor holds an online office period. Individual, one-on-one online conferences may be required by an instructor.

    There is a class participation policy. Students are to contact their instructor at least once a week through the course management system. Missing class participation may result in points deducted from the final course average.


    Courses are designed for completion in 12 weeks (1-credit lab courses may be completed in six weeks). Allow 5 business days for grading a final exam and reporting a final course grade; allow 10 business days for processing a transcript. Plan ahead.


    All school policies are enforced for all students at all times.


    CALCampus does not send out 1098-T forms.

    Note that since CALCampus has never applied to be involved in government student aid, grant and loan programs, CALCampus is not an "eligible educational institution" that is required to send out 1098-T forms. For the same reason, as we understand it, the fees paid to CALCampus might not be able to be used for certain tax matters because they are not "qualified tuition and related expenses", depending upon what you want to use the fees for.

    We don't want to imply, in any way, that the fees paid can be used for any particular tax matters, since we do not know what tax matters, if any, the fees paid can be used for.

    CALCampus does not guarantee employment upon completion of any of its courses or programs; nor do we claim to be any type of employment agency.


    For technical problems dealing with your access to the Internet, contact your own local Internet provider.

    ALL other PROBLEMS RELATED TO CALCampus: contact either your instructor or our administrative office. If you find the need to speak directly to CALCampus, the phone number is posted on this page.

    Or, if you prefer to use traditional surface mail--send mail to:

    PO Box 132
    Rindge, NH 03461

    E-mail: info @

    Phone: 603-899-2388
    Phone Hours:
    Monday-Thursday 9am-3pm
    Friday 9am-Noon Eastern

    Web: or

    Director: Dr. Margaret Morabito
    director @

CALCampus is provided by CALCAMPUS LLC.

Take distance learning courses at CALCampus 

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